How did you name your seikret?
So, no guild ?
I'm glad none of Rise's monsters returned in Wilds
What’s a character you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving?
Now that Wilds is out and everyone has had time to play it, who would you say are your favorite and least favorite monsters? (Spoiler Warning)
How many people actually use the 2 weapons system?
77hours in and i find this out ..
Does anyone else find the Seikret's auto pathing the most hopeless thing ever?
Is it too early to call him the G.O.A.T.?
Alrighty... Perfection...
If you struggle, use bots
So we can all agree that is THE hardest hunter cutscene?
What did y'all name your seikret?
Only 71k people out of 1 million have cooked a steak?!
I’m loving this game but…
For those of you who live where the game only launches at midnight, are you going to play overnight or go to bed early and play tomorrow?
What’s the most selfish use of the Force a jedi has done without falling to the dark side?
Experiencing older titles
What is all this artificial outrage about
Uhh... so how do I get my 900k runes back?
Night reign code giveaway
How did you beat the Cringe Jar Duelists? :3
Is this bad? if so how can I fix it
Hunters, what was a soundtrack you listened from the entire MH series and made you like this?