people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Want to see the most beautiful thing I've ever filmed? But its very big!
Hvordan går jeg frem for å skaffe førerkort?
Should Military Service Be Voluntary?
Farris bad - muligheter for gratis parkering noe sted? Og hvor drar man for å spise?
Patriark Pizzaballa
Family ignored my warnings and is now going to get me flagged for cheating on a test
TIFU by getting a pen cap stuck in my cast nearly amputating my arm
Travel tips and thoughts as a solo female traveler
Did you know there is something called Water Flosser
whats your favourite song?
American candies not available in Norway?
Why do Americans build with wood?
Points of interest between Oslo and Rjukan
Hva heter støvsugeren din?
First or third person for Progression Fantasy stories?
Hvilken by ville du valgt for ferie på 5 dager?
Progression fantasy in our own world
Any tips to get cheaper flights?
Kontrollspørsmål på oppkjøring?
TV shows / Movies
Recommend me books where the MC struggles
Built like a wisdom tooth
Hva var din kjipeste julaften?