When you realize you might have just thrown away your empire all just to own the libs.
He used up all his good luck
There’s a lot to process here …
Musk challenges Putin to one on one physical combat
Someone tell this guy it's not a golden retriever
Rt 65 "Get Help" Sign
Elon's mommy is mad
It's beautiful out today and I'm trying to go meet a bunch of new friends. I'm in the Pittsburgh area today. On a decent Sunday afternoon like today where can I find a lot of people meet.
What are you shamelessly American about?
Fishermen Attacked by Giant Lobster, 1895
Ah yes, because the world revolves around me
Favorite cities that are naturally conducive to conversation anywhere you go?
“I am stunned”, wrote Alito, as SCOTUS majority rules against Trump over USAID’s funding
Are LateStageCapitalism mods right about Bernie?
At Stand-Up by Israeli "Comedian" Laughing at the Genocide of Palestinians
Elmo fucks around and finds out
AIO to my boyfriend praising the president?
What is the bear doing?
Trump is a fucking genius on tariffs. Our economy is in a free fall
No idea where we'd like to live next
A steel worker's family in their kitchen in Pittsburgh, 1940s
Back in the days of segregation and Jim crow laws, could white people get in trouble for using black facilities? For example, would a white person arrested for sitting in the black section of a bus?
You are given a trillion dollars to turn any small to mid sized US city into a utopia. Which city do you pick and what do you do?
Sharing MidasTouch video showing Marco Rubio realizing he is the fall guy.