Hot Take: This is one of the greatest episodes of Rick and Morty ever
The issues with Pocket's economy and why it is so predatory
The perfect Blizzard
My Acer Predator Helios 18 frequently drops WiFi connection
I’ve torn through all these since October, anyone have series they think are similar?
I beat the game after 33 days! This game has been a blast, and I'll stay active for a while to work on custom theories and to hopefully reach ee50k as my final goal.
Does anyone know what would cause a melon to go blue in the fridge overnight?
Don’t be surprised if trading away a card requires you to have more than 2
What card do you have the most duplicates of?
these promo packs, like be so for real
This is a trap…
Ma pizza surimi cordon bleu👨🍳
I just got this!
All skill, no luck.
The problem with the premium pass is not the value, is that this game’s progression sucks
A single celled organism eats a fellow single celled organism
What’s one card you guys have been hunting for but haven’t gotten? I’ll start!
Will Premium tickets transfer over to the next season?
Recommended PC Specs for generalized ML/DL
Hey, can I borrow your cello?
Honteusement chipé sur internet mais ça compte quand même non ?
How much gold to you make per wave?
Total gem cap
How is gold-per-kill calculated?