Dont know how this guy has performed this well. Only 153 CA aswell. Won me 3 ucl and prems in a row
Just picked up a FM11 Steam key for under $10 [Need a save Idea)
Spent Hours Writing Notes, Invigilator Yeeted Them for the Dumbest Reason!
😂DLS really played us … all these hours into a game only be canceled …I don’t think I will ever play the new game as I played the older version
Maxed Hakimi! Is this the best one?
2041 City relegated from PL
Has anyone of you played until the year 2100 or maybe even until 2200?
Which Career mode trophy are you yet to lift? I'll start:
Post-Match Thread: Spurs 2-2 AFC Bournemouth
Tell me your favorite DLS player...
Post match review
This is beyond crazy
Prize ladder is abnormously long
Dream League Soccer’s New Legendary Card Update is a Joke!
European Classic's 🔥
If we had to go to a penalty shoot-out in Europa this season, which 5 in our squad would take them?
Possible next new classic players. What are you thoughts?
Maxed Hakimi (84) - DLS 25 Rating
Why Does the Career Stats Section Only Show League Stats?
Ooru sutha frnds venum bha
This fella lost his mind with that salary request
I can't believe i'm crying over an excel sheet... This is the first time i got this mail to my inbox
Craziest Career Path I've Ever Seen
A man that has never played for the club is marked as a club favourite. Top Comment is what he did to become a club favourite.