Piano lessons
Working from Bosses House
Best ways to get a connecting flight. Is third-party recommended.
Do you y’all quit your jobs or give a 2 week notice?
What's small thing do poor people notice in middle class houses, that middle class people have no idea marks them as middle class?
What do people mean by "not sustainable"?
Why is Jeff Always Asking Us To Apply?
How do you dress?
What makes someone a "casual" fan to you?
Do you prefer Target or Walmart?
Why doesn't the USA just destroy/buy the creditors of its $30T debt?
What do you collect while traveling?
Music; over ear headset or in ear earbuds?
Long term effects on the contestants health?
Widowed mom getting remarried 😕
Window, middle, aisle. Which is your favorite and least favorite spot and why?
Are you legally obligated to assist when in emergency exit seats on a plane? What can they do to you if you don’t?
Looking for movies with disappointing and unsatisfying endings ?
Americans who moved far away/overseas from your hometown, do you feel nostalgic when you visit your hometown?
What comedian has so much hype but you don’t think is actually funny?
Was going to make a joke but it’s too soon. This is the first time I’ve seen this.
My trick to stop buying snacks
Anyone else's poo turned very black?
What is a good movie that you can just listen to and don't really need to watch? Like a good movie to play while I'm cleaning my garage.
What tv show did your parents forbid you to watch growing up and why?