Random FD Fun Facts Until Bloodlines Comes Out #3: FD1 tries to calm down the audience with the Seltzer scene after Terry's death, while FD2 does the complete opposite by leading the audience into a false sense of security before killing Evan
Random FD Fun Facts Until Bloodlines Comes Out #2: Kimberly and Clear both share back stories where one of their parents end up being shot by criminals.
Random FD Fun Facts Until Bloodlines Comes Out #1: Each Visionary's Outfit Coincidentally(?) Match What Caused The Premonition Disaster Or Have The Same Colors As Them, Or Where They End Up Dying
If you could choose what year and or setting a FD movie would take place in, what would be your decision?
My parents wouldn't believe me when I kept telling them that I development clairvoyant powers and was starting to see visions of myself dying.
I accelerated my car in determination, now having the murderer who killed all those people that investigators passed off as suicides in my backseat after he followed me into my car, I am convinced now he at my mercy, and I have his life in my hands.
Which premonition disaster do you think you'd have the highest chance of surviving if you were there?
Uh oh
Ian saying allat infront of Wendy's sister is crazy 💀 (also you can see Amanda Crew trying not to laugh)
Which one of Death's hints/rules is the most useful (and or) easy to accomplish?
Is ending up on Death's list fate or just a consequence of the survivors choices?
goodbye guys, I'll miss you
If they went with this original route with Kimberly, who do you think would've done a great job acting her role?
If the visionaries were all in one movie, they would all survive, no diff.
My theory
wow guys, I sure can't wait!
If Death wanted to get creative and had to kill you in a really petty way, how do you think you would die in your own Final Destination?
Funfact: Milo is the reason the whole Pistachio arc existed
Whats more powerful?
What Cartoon Is This?
Which one of Mabel's sweaters would you be cursed to wear for the rest of your life?
I was deeply confused when the cannibal seen on the news broke into my house and instead of harming me gave me medicine and took care of me when he noticed I was sick.
ELI5: What Exactly Is Instinct?
Negative Probability Ions question