High Elf Racial
What the f*ck is going on?
Can you already earn gold with your crafted items during the skill-up phase?
Someone bought an item I had on AH for 498g, then immediately re-listed it for 499g. Why?
Am i the villain?
Mad til vennegruppe
Solo runecloth farm
New Races/ Classes
Never experienced so many toxic players
Easiest end game tank?
Best way to make profit whilst leveling? That also are viable in the endgame right now?
Which class feels the most "alive" ?
Troll Tribal Necklace turn in
Cant join the game
If I want to tank, is warrior truly the best to do it on?
The community ...
What does Hyjal have offer?
Darkspear Trolls rep
How do you win against this?
Am i weird feeling lvl 60 is the end?
What is best profession for gold making as rogue?
Cant buy packs for gold
How many generations have you gotten through in a single play through?
What Legendary Lords buff a single unit the best?
Why doesn't this count as winning the battle?? The enemy has 0 troops left.