Julian Carlson
Was Mr. Snowflake crying at the end of the Beck reaction video?
Was there ICE around today?
I’ve never had surgery and I’m nervous.
How do you add this to a character?
So are you guys embarrassed to use CAI
Trouble making a character
POV: You hit enter on the app’s search bar (HD quality)
I have no knowledge without these shows 🙏
Which couple is this?
I feel guilty, should I?
Worst canvass ever
Opinions on “Tattoo god”
What do we think of introductions like these?
You gotta be kidding me💀
Site down, reply with pictures of your pets
Genuinely I’m so confused???
[Request] Criminal Justice textbook pdf
Pdf versions of these books???
[Request] Criminal Justice textbooks for free??? Pdf form.
Any free websites where these books are located in pdf form?
Introducing my son
He sits like a toddler, roast him
How do I tell someone not to get a cat?