[Spoilers Main] Any theories you've done a complete 180 on?
Just picked myself up A Clash of Kings [spoilers extended]
I Know who Azor Ahai is [Spoilers Main]
This Fandom [No Spoilers]
I Know who Azor Ahai is
The Forgotten Knights of the Kingsguard [Spoilers Extended]
[Spoilers MAIN] Help for my collage essay
The Forgotten Knights of the Kingsguard
George has set up a major parallel between Myrcella and Shireen [Spoilers Extended]
How the Redemption of the Rogue Prince mirrors the Kingslayer’s
(Spoilers extended) I have a question for the people who love theorizing
The Songs of ASOIAF
How Man’s Best Friend could take down the Brotherhood in TWOW
(Spoilers Main) Interactive timeline update
Bloodraven is Ahorse in ADWD [Spoilers Main]
[Spoilers Extended] If you could have any one single moment / scene from ASOIAF brought to life that hasn’t been done yet, what would you choose?
Bloodraven is Ahorse in ADWD
Tommen will die just as his namesake did in TWOW
No One is going to join Aegon in TWOW [Spoilers Extended]
(Spoilers extended) You can arrange/force 3 marriages at any point in Westerosi history; who are you choosing?
No One will Join Aegon in TWOW
[No Spoilers] Relationships
Sweetrobin’s upcoming Rebellion in TWOW [Spoilers Extended]
Can you think of any times the characters actually directly interact with the idea that... [Spoilers extended]
[Spoilers Main] Why do people believe this Quentyn theory?