What even is this tattoo
Paul acknowledging his failures
Carina is the real mean girl
Why is Kelly Slater Hiding His New Child?
Anyone else get the sense that Teejay got done dirty being matched with Beth?? He seems like a good catch...her not so much
MAFS' 'sickening' twist: Which brides and grooms say YES to the 'deal with the devil' final challenge that's set to detonate the few remaining couples
Jeff and Rhi are boring
Jamie needs chaos to feel alive, Dave needs a stable partner and tranquility.
Feeling personally victimized by Dave’s nice guy act
I have a very very controversial thought about Paul….
Run Carina, run run run!
Married at First Sight S12E28 post episode discussion
The underlying issues with Carinas comments on Cleo
Adrian the next Expert? 😂
Cleo responds to Carina's nastiness
How are people so up in arms over carina and no one is talking about about how shitty she was to Cleo?
Why is everyone hating on Carina for saying she’s religious and has “traditional” values?
She Gave Me The ICK!!!
Can someone explain how punching a door is worse than. Mental abuse?
Thoughts on Veronica last night at the commitment ceremony?
The experts are clueless