Agora pass
Just finished these real rose earrings and thought you’d like them 🥀
Real rose earrings I made
Real rose earrings I finished
I made a special real flower collection for women’s day
Latest work of mine 🌼
Earrings made by me
I turned my hybrid orchids into jewellery ♥️ what do you think ?
Hope you’ll appreciate my real daffodil jewelry for St.David’s day !
I turned some of my orchids into jewelery ! What do you think ?
I grow flowers and turn them into jewellery for a living and here are my latest makes ! I started incorporating more gemstones ♥️
Latest real flower jewellery with amethysts and pearls that I made
I turn flowers into jewelry for a living
I turn the flowers I grow into jewellery for a living
Work of a jewellery artist struggling with depression and PTSD
I turn flowers into jewellery