What's stopping you from relocating to a different country?
What are your thoughts on ENM?
So.... do you believe in UFOs?
Does your partners perfume/aftershave turn you on?
Is there a sexual 'thing' you lost interest in/with?
What's 1 life skill you believe is extremely important?
Do you need a drink to swallow a pill or no?
When sole travelling, are you taking your sex toys with you for some self love and fun?
Buzzing sound from somewhere in the dash - Mk7 GTI
Have you ever told a colleague about their BO? What happened afterwards?
Remember the "class clown" in your class 10/15 years ago - where are they today?
What do you do or say to initiate sex with your partner? [Serious answers only]
What's the maximum donation (in terms of money) you'd consider giving to a homeless person?
What's better than jumping into a super comfy bed when you're so tired?
When receiving a facesitting, do you rather the giver faces you, or faces away?
What's a kink/fetish of yours that you're a bit embarrassed by?
What is the MOST important feature on a phone?
What's 1 accent you really like and 1 you don't?
Anyone else have a strong dislike or feel anxious when strangers be walking behind you or no?
Paid sex workers - what's the weirdest fetish/kink someone has paid for you to participate / offer?
Are you FOR or AGAINST assisted suicide? (Reasoning is welcome)
What's stopping you from making a move on that person you'd like to?
Would you be an organ donor to help try save lives if you were at risk of dying?
What's stopping you from sole traveling?
Do you rather your nipples to be played with fingers or teeth?