[Fan-made] My first post here chat, wowwww
Anybody who's sleeping on this item is insane
Pai-Pai Vs J.K Bun Bunb [Fan-Made]
how rare is this room?
What the fuck
What's your favorite [fluff] Collab Uber?
That was the worst level ever designed [fluff]
Name one character who had it [Fluff]-ing worse, I'll wait.
what do you think of my team against bahamut tallent I can’t [fluff]
What is this stat?
[fluff] Which level has you feeling like this even after reading all the wiki comments??
How many [fluff] ing Ubers and legend rares do you guys have?
I drew some items
What are the odds??
Uh...i think my Battle Cats intro is broken... [Fluff]
Whats this ad.??
What enemy kb produces the most dopamine for you? [discussion]
Behold the first [fluff] ing explosion immune meatshield
[Fluff] with the upcoming Uberfest how would you feel if they reset the dojo rewards would you save the tickets or use all of them
Ok no joke how rare is this room?
Any tips for this fucker on greedier
Give me the hardest Blasphemous quotes to ever exist
[discussion] What unit will you be forever indebted to?
why my bombs doesnt move