Wares for Sale
This is my WTT pile, again I’m looking for a TI-80. Cash value for omega or alpha 250~ willing to trade in your favor with these cards.
Can’t find aqua Rolex for or sold,any help?
First full rainbow
8 S4 Megas picked up
Replacement cards have arrived
Reputation & Confirmed Trades Thread
WTT, main chase now is Lite coin!!
$60 per shipped.
Updated trade post. More details in post description, but I'm looking to buy/trade for #8 and #8-SP Ruby refractors and #38 Emerald refractor.
WTS/WTT for your cryptography, MRs/CFs/DSHFs.
Mail day, hotel edition
With the discussion that's taken over the chat the last 15 hrs and people reaching out to me via chat.. read below
Looking for experienced web programmers, front and back end development.
My aqua Steamboat Willie rainbow is complete!
Bill to ban Chinese people from studying in US introduced
WTB gold TI-80
WTS Omega Emerald Monero
Ruby rainbow
SBF Rainbow
Let’s try this again. Just ripped booster packs. Should I tear in to the mega ive had sitting on the shelf?
First time ripper. What do I have here? Am I going down a dangerous rabbit hole here?
Cardsmith stamped filler cards?
Who Got Them Moneros?? mail/trade/sale day!!