LinkedIn Verification Denied: Name Doesn’t Match My ID – Need Advice!
Accidentaly made my PC Case look better?
Reasons to stay alive?
It looks so amazing! Perfect art for my home. So happy with it!
Which game made you feel this way?
What are some small things that Sri Lankans do that irritate you ?
Why LinkedIn uses so much memory?
I said yes!!! 💍😍🥹🥹❤️❤️💍💍💍💞🥳
Doctors’ Safety Is Crucial, But Do They Need All These Extra Benefits?
Give No More Mix-Signals - 2025 Value-Oriented Brand Messaging Templates (2/2)
Differences Between Brand Guidelines VS Brand Style Guide
Where are your custom feeds located in the IOS app? 🤔
My only friend just told me “don’t text me again for a week, you text too much” and now life feels pointless
Saw it on r/memes and thought it was funny
LGBTQ+ sensitivity training for the police
ShOuLd ReLiGiOn AnD pOlItIcS bE aLl oVeR tHiS pRoFeSsIoNaL nEtWoRkInG pLaTfOrM?!?!
Why are people surprised that doctors are striking after the incident at TH Anuradhapura?
What are the best resources to build an aesthetic room in Sri Lanka
I 23M feel my 23F girlfriend doesn’t love me and feel useless
Private Buses should be fucking banned
Part 2- Charlotte held a Q and A on her Instagram a few weeks ago and answered questions about A Plague Tale and a few about herself.
Should I buy a car with the 3 million I have in savings?
Every Month, Another Power Failure: CEB Still Running Wires on Trees! This started with an explosion sound