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Who do you think the villain of the next Sackboy/LBP game will be?
Guess my favorite pon (wrong answers only)
Working on some fanmade Uberheroes. Here's the progress so far, feedback acceptable.
The dehumanising AI-generated summaries of comments under a Matt Rose video about dehumanising AI summaries
Chaka-Pon Wep help
Do deodorant sticks need deodorant?
What would you do if you lived in Craftworld?
Patapon killed my newborn son.
The statement that implies that people can’t tell you what to do is both right and wrong and also why we as a species are failing and why we as a species are striving.
The idea that people can't tell you what to do is both false and true—it is why we are failing and why we are striving.
“People can’t tell you what to do” is both right, wrong, why we as a species are failing and why we as a species are striving.
Where do yall think sackboy came from or his origins?
How strong do you think is Sackboy?
Say something about your love for LBP on this Valentine’s day (or later)
i hate sony.
Weekly Recommend Mods and CC Thread!
This is either a kid or an inventor of a new drug
What would you like your last words to be?
My ps3 likes displaying websites
Tried opening Reddit on my PS3, got this gem instead.
What is the lore behind your username?
What’s your hack to fall asleep quickly?
My piece of bread looks like a cartoonish cellphone with a picture of a crab on it.