Blue Koi Sleeve by @adamskytattoos at Morningstar in Belmont, Bay Area, California
To all the ones telling me to hide Resurrections from my wife.
Blue Koi Sleeve by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Why does Leia have one really long fingernail in RoTJ?
Bill Burr being his usual honest self while sneaker shopping with Complex.
Being a single man in your 20s is just not fun
“Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Healed & Hairy: Panther By Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, California
Question for tattoo lovers from an artist!
Question: is a watercolor tattoo like this possible?
Fortune Teller by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Does anyone else’s brain randomly go, “and the installation is freeeeeee!”
Fire Dragon by (me) Adam Sky, Sacred Heart Tattoo, Vancouver, Canada
Quetzalcoatl by Adam Sky, Sacred Heart Tattoo, Vancouver, Canada
How did it go so wrong for KTM?
Salamander by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Waves and Leaves by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Waves and Japanese Maple Leaves by Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Foo Dog Sleeve by me, Adam Sky, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, California
Foo Dog Sleeve by me @adamskytattoos, Morningstar Tattoo, Belmont, Bay Area, CA
How good are Shark (Evojet) and Airoh helmets?
Desert Getaway?
Don’t Panic by Adam Sky, Sacred Heart Tattoo, Vancouver, BC
Favorite scene in The Shining? Mine is Jack and Mr. Grady's conversation in the bathroom. Philip Stone's change from nice guy to chillingly terrifying is brilliant acting. I love the way Jack and Grady are positioned and Kubrick's obsession with the color red in this scene as well. Lol.