[GEN3] Team shiny done with fire red and on to sapphire!
Team shiny done with fire red and on to sapphire! Was a bit of a challenge to not over level past 50 for the elite four, but was fun
New ribbon master ya :D
[Gen 3]My new ribbon master :D
How do you shiny hunt Fossil Pokemon using RNG Manipulation in Pokemon Emerald?
Jolly, Shiny, 30/30/30/30/30/31, HP-Flying 70 Fossil Aerodactyl in Retail Fire Red
[Gen3] Shiny Tyranitar in colosseum :D
Shiny Tyranitar in colosseum :D
Anyone have an extra love ball they can trade me?
Oh ya 😏 and in a luxury ball : D
I got him 😭
[Gen3] I got him😭
[Gen3]Oh ya 😏 and in a luxury ball : D
Just picked up these from my local retro game shop! Now I get her all her ribbons : D
[Gen3] LETS GOO!!! Man I am so happy 😄 was at it for hours 😭
LETS GOO!!! Man I am so happy 😄 was at it for hours 😭
Let's go!!
[Gen 3] Let's go!!
Just soldered a new battery at my Sapphire copy to continue my journey
Off to Orre
Some wallpapers
Rayquaza finished gen 4 and made it to gen 6. And man I love it's shine mega form.
I love the Nereid skin! Was sad when I missed the first time around, them being my favorite creatures and all but now I have it :D
I got stupid lucky! Was sad I couldn't catch Rayquaza in a luxury ball the first time so I tried again and after a few hours of resting and 7 luxury balls I caught him :D
[Gen 4] I got stupid lucky! Was sad I couldn't catch Rayquaza in a luxury ball the first time so I tried again and after a few hours of resting and 7 luxury balls I caught him :D