Need advice
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Sibling group chat
I’m starting therapy next week. Any advice?
I think I’ve ruined sweets for myself
My partner majorly triggered me
ED dreams
I’m afraid that I’m ruining my body
My grandma is dying and it’s triggering me
Which books have blown you the fuck away?
hey team! how many people identified as bisexual before lesbian? is this normal?
How do you know when the honeymoon phase is over?
How did you find out fanfiction existed?
I feel stupid for being upset
How to deal with brain fog in university
What are the signs it’s starting to get bad?
First time ever having thoughts of purging
Feeling really discouraged
I finally got a referral to an ED specialist
Cried over Oreos today
Wish people would talk about how SH is an ADDICTION
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Idaho house passed house joint memorial 1