What Pair could have the Psychic Arc suit?
im gonna bet someones gonna put wally getting robbed
Let’s do it guys
is it worth it?
Time for the last spot! Who's a horrible person that's hated by fans?!
Was 5/5 REALLY too much to ask?
I like how Ghetsis is closely associated with Kyurem because...
Characters by total number of playable sync pairs they have (pre-5.5 anni)
How come he's in the gym leader scout when he's not even one?
The Gym Mode is great, in theory, until you get people not doing anything at all
Time for the next round! Who's loved by fans, but they're a horrible person?
Am I the only one who had this bug?
Umbreon is paranoid of the post above this. What is he paranoid of?
Unova protagonists are underrated
What are some of your favourite pokemon that you think are generally unpopular
You've teleported to the world of Pasio, what would you do?
(Personal opinion. He's more scary than Giovanni)
Since we got Lana added for January's lodge unit, what character do you think will be added for February's lodge unit?
I fixed it
Definitely can't tell who my favourite character is
What Pokémon storyline moment makes you like this?
What was the worst villain from any generation
Every pokemon is someones favorite
Pomas players checking a new datamine and the unpopular character they decided to stan didn't get anything (they're unpopular):
Every Team Sky application be like: