Tokyo series - early start for USA :(
TIL in 1963 Hugh Hefner was arrested for promoting obscene literature after he published an issue of Playboy featuring nude shots of Jayne Mansfield in bed with a man present. The case went to trial and resulted in a hung jury.
TIL that after Christian Slater took over River Phoenix's upcoming film role in Interview with a Vampire because of Phoenix's death, Slater donated his entire $250k salary to 2 charities Phoenix supported.
What is the first video game that comes to mind when you see this?
Rainbow Outside Union Station Today
Who do you think is the biggest waste of talent during 21st Century?
What would happen if a wealthy defendant purchased a house for every member of the jury after his acquittal?
TIL That many competitive Scrabble players quit playing competitively after hundreds of “offensive” words were banned, including racial slurs, sexuality and gender insults.
Would Sanderson have a problem with me legitimately changing my name to Kaladin?
Package thief!
Is Los Angeles the most car-dependent city in the world?
What's your favorite voice acting performance in the Star Wars franchise ?
Riverside to DTLA Commute For Work Advice?
Bill to ban Chinese people from studying in US introduced
263 foot hot wheels track around the house
What terrible fate befell your Roomba?
TIL: Sumerian and Babylonian math used a base 60 system. 60 was the most important number in Mesopotamian math. It is such a useful number system that today, we still measure time, angles, and coordinates using the Base 60 system created by the ancient Mesopotamians!
How popular was the Halo 2 and 3 release?
How many attempts did it take you?
TIL that most countries did not officially end their "state of war" with Germany until 1950 or 1951.
If your ten year old kid drank an entire bottle of maple syrup and was now running feral through an antique shop, how would you try to contain him before he destroyed something priceless (but very expensive)?
freaky theseus
You are given $1M if you can formulate a 10-word sentence that has never been spoken or written, if it has already been, you die and win nothing. Do you accept? What sentence are you creating?
How the Mets are gonna advance to the World Series
Seth Campbell Kicks The Winning Goal For The Tigers!