[US] [H] Venom by Cates [W] PayPal or Trade
Brand new shelf! Any recs based off my collection so far?
[US-IN] [H] Marvel/DC Omnis [W] PayPal
[United States] [H] all 3 Morrison Batman Omnis. Trade for [W] Superman by Tomasi Omnibus
[USA-MD] [H] Scalped Omnibus Volume 1, TMNT Compendium Volume 1 [W] PayPal
shelfie sunday
New Batman Omni’s
Brand new matching dust jacket for my favorite superhero!
Any recommendations based on my current collection?
[US] [H] Books for Sale [W] PayPal or Trade
Where does the Batman: Shadow War HC fit into continuity?
[USA-CA] [H] Daredevil TPB, w0rldtr33, Image, Boom, Marvel, Various floppies [W] PayPal
[For sale] Beach Boys "Smile" box set
[US] [H] Daredevil and Untold Tales of Spider-Man [W] PayPal or Trade
[USA-TX][H] Hobby Exit Sale: TPBs, HCs, OHCs, Omnis [W] Paypal, Video Games
First omnibus recommendations?
People who own death and return of superman after seeing the new triangle era omni:
Tynion Kickstarter arrived, my first slipcover for a slipcover
“I do not recommend Organic Priced Books” - follow up
The legalization of cannabis has been pretty sweet, although...
[US-WA] [H] Secret Invasion Omni, Cap Brubaker Set, The Question Omni & Deaths of Vic Sage HC, Image HCs [W] paypal
Picked up more books from that local seller that's moving overseas and I went a little crazy
[MN, USA] [H] Tons of Batman Omnis, other DC, Marvel, Image & Boom Collected Editions [W] PayPal, Daredevil, Batfamily, X-Men Omnis & HCs
Asking for Recommendations