My horse decided to dig in a fire... it went poorly
"You walked in front of me"
Bandits have very distinct ears apparently
Truly the saddest death in gaming history
How most rescue missions go
Synchronization lvl 99
Walter White vs Astel, Naturalborn of the Void
And stay dead...
Will Smith slaps Morgott
Godrick's scream is too memeable (sound on)
I can't explain how heartbreaking this was
Hardcore parkour in Elden Ring
[No spoilers] "Don't move... they can't see us if we don't move"
[Spoilers] My first sea dragon encounter scared me pants off
[Dying Light 2] I don't even know what to say
I got kidnapped after I joined a random group post
Joining random group posts always leads to chaos
A little kid was pretending to be drunk in my moonshine shack and it was priceless
Poor Billy... gone too soon
Bomb cart survival shenanigans
Bully Maguire performs a leap of faith
Cow tipping a juggernaut
[House of Ashes] Everyone gets a clone