The last show you've watched is getting a crossover with the Inbetweeners, what is it?
I just listened to Republic
Which university has the ugliest building in the UK?
What GCSE has broken you the most?
Option consideration?
My girlfriend didn't get the reference. I'm starting to think she's not worthy...
Does Inara work in Legacy?
What happened to Kryten between Series X and XI
maths gcse is such bullshit
Vinyl is better than online hands down 🙌
What’s he looking at? (Wrong Answers Only)
Alliance ship sizes?
Help with ship id
there’s one clear answer here.
I Ranked All The Radiohead Album Songs (All Subjective :)
Hooky bumps his head and decides to cover 1 Music Complete song live. Which song would you want to hear him put his signature on?
Men, how do you get rid of an unwanted boner?
This game weirds me out sometimes
Joy Division/New Order have been nominated for the 2025 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The fan vote is open now. Link in comments.
It seems I officially have the bends
What’s your favourite thom absolutely "belting it" moment in a song?
Hooky-Type Bass Melodies
Where was this scene filmed ?
Why do you not drink alcohol?
Let's say that your username is the cause or your death, what will happen to you?