Why aren’t we just using more egg substitutes
I'm just done with KCD1 and I barely started.
Went shooting pistols and emptied the carry ammo into a bowl before we left
What is a good name for this empire?
Age yourself with a movie you saw in theatres as a kid!
Like… come on 😂
33 hours approval time for my first suppressor
The MK1 Leviathan, my modern punt gun
Pick a name for this movie
What color do you see?
[Request] What is the chance of one of my two horses steps on this hole in a 6 hectare place?
🤡Jovio 👈
Are they serious about this
I finally made inf powah
How do you call this animal in your language?
I refuse to use trains.
Why am I so burned out?
[KCD1] Mods for super easy combat.
What's your most controversial knife opinion?
Batman got his name from his fear of bats, using the same logic what is your superhero name?
I heard you guys enjoy spaghetti
Most popular brands for hunting rifles in Europe.
Kyoto 1
In recovery for 18months, battling with staying clean, depressed and definitely insecure all the time, kind words would be appreciated in this time of need🥺