How close was your main career to your same gender parent's career?
How old would your grandparents be if they were still alive today?
Which guitarist's skills would you prefer to possess if you could?
Josh Shapiro: is your US representative targeting him?
What rock band should be in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but isn’t?
Question for people with Boomer parents: do your parents never talk about the 70s unless explicitly asked about it?
50% of proposed closings are on the north side
Jesse Colin Young RIP
Mediocre but famous and successful band.
What have been your experience with psychiatrists?
Best *band* starting with letter K?
Is this a reasonable note to leave
is anything better than vanderpump rules
What is something positive about getting older?
Genuinely curious as to why there is so much Rinna hate…
How Strictly Is Window Tint Enforced in Pittsburgh?
Are old people the new target group?
West, a Fak brother
Surviving without a garage?
Paige and Craig Breakup Megathread Part 3
bronwyn and heather spotted flimimg
Thoughts on current cast/future of Summer House
AIO about my husband ejaculating on me while I sleep?
Sat March 29 im Pgh both PA Senators will take time out of their busy schedules to promote Sen. McCormick's new book