A less common Nerf thrift
Another completed SBL 2.0 build
I bought a Siren Maulr...
what do you do with all of your bulk?
Youth Pastor looking for quality, small, cheap guns.
Got an epic haul
What y’all think of BattleTech
Neurospicy loadout so far.
What’s Your Favorite Mecha Aesthetic?
Stickers on blasters : Yay or nay
The Hunter gf
Money is no object, what -5’ sword are you getting?
I have a katana now, should I get a long sword instead?
These 4 heroes get 1 week of prep time, DOOM only has 1 day: Who wins?
am i weird for this or no?
What’s a word you dislike ?
Everyone deserves a Cat
At least humans are polite when absolutely wrecking your fleet
Which anime do you wish would come back?
What character here you trust more ?
Newbies on Oz shelves (Kmart, Target)
Which one would you pick?
Made a pokey thing
Universes Beyond: Classic Literature! Cuz why not right?
Which type of missiles do you like more from your mecha's launcher? Fast Missiles or Slow Missiles?