The Refs are showcasing a dominate performance tonight.
Opinion: Carney’s opponents forgot to run away from the status quo
This is insane💀💀💀💀
No snow day
Schools Closed Today
If you niggas defend him you’re losers
CUPE 2361 reaches tentative agreement with Western
Power outage
Things you wish you knew before attending Western?..
SPOILER | This is, in my opinion, the best line in the show. All seasons. The silence before, the realization of the magnitude. I had goosebumps.
Course Selection Megathread (2024/2025 Academic Year)
2nd year econ
Econ 2159 or Econ 2160?
MOS 2310 midterm 2
Student center down?
Way too many Anti-Drake people in this sub. Everything good about Drake gets down voted to hell
Kendrick got these guys writing fan fiction 😭😭
Actual photo of rock climbing photo, Whitney looks perfectly okay in the photo. Don’t know what drake fans are eluding to with this
Drizzy Sub Aging Like Milk
Drake dropping again according to Ak
Whitney is gone - but he’s still a dad
Oh boy