Do you support Trump's tariffs?
Did you wear green today?
American English or British English?
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
But “hE OnLy CArEs aBoUt BiLLionAirEs!!!”
"In java we can get free mods" 🤓👆
So deep
What's the best slice?
Vandalizing Teslas is a dumb way to protest
I would like to invite you to join r/youthrevolt
Do you guys also shower fully clothed?
The growing regret among trans teens
How many digits of pi do you know?
Without looking, can you name 5 U.S. presidents?
Switch 2 power misconception
Logitech could really coin in on the Switch 2 release with a set of limited edition Z207 monitor speakers
Hear me out...
zero votes received going into the merge
Has anyone met a previous survivor contestant?
Why is PeDee still in the game?
Tonight's episode in a nutshell
JLP and his innuendos...
Popular middle school boys in 2025 starterpack
I wonder why :(
The most-used word in each state