Good night Baltimore
Albums I dislike for no particular reason
What is your f*** everything song?
Anybody hang out at the ottobar
Taking 30 minutes from me all because a truck showed up late
I’m afraid of black people. 26M
At 26, I’m very well traveled lmao
So last night me and my girlfriend went out for drinks at Casa Tequila Chicago…
Name my creature.
What’s a normal thing that everyone does but feels weird when you do it?
Are managers being promised larger bonuses if they can keep payroll hours down?
Can I get an honest opinion on my D?
What’s something people do or say that makes you roll your eyes?
Where is the weirdest place you gave a blowjob?
people who shower for 30+ minutes, wtf you be doin in there?
Just how pathetic can one person be? 26M
Men of reddit: What is your favorite clothing item on women?
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
What’s his name
Seen on E Pratt - love you Baltimore
Cringe sign at my BJ's
Didnt you all take health class?
What is your worst sexperience?
Has anyone ever made a giant career/life change?
What everyone think of you in your workplace?