How tragique is Xayvion?
Chloe is already a pretty name. Why uglify it with an i?
Kanzou... how tragique is that? It kinda sounds Japanese, too...
In what year was the Western Union prisoner funding limit set to $300 per submission? How much was the funding limit just before then?
Will there be a ton of views and ad revenue on a video depicting a job applicant with busted-up teeth applying to be a news anchor / TV personality, and other positions where we only see people with good teeth occupy?
Would bidets help a pinworm infestee alleviate their pinworm infection?
Is it, or has it ever been possible, for a kid that a para is assigned to, to be "popular" while having a 1-on-1 para follow them to every class all the time? Have you EVER known (of) a popular para'd student?
If I EVER get any kind of cancer, I'll REFUSE chemo. However, I'll happily try experimental treatments in clinical trials. Anything I must know ahead of time about undergoing experimental treatments that fight against cancer?
Since I don't just believe I'm quantumly immortal; I KNOW I'm quantumly immortal, my next plate at tag renewal time will say WONTDIE.
What if humanity gradually became totally unable to reproduce over the course of the next ~50 years?
Who names their child blue
The name Kaedon has a Gen Alpha vibe. Are a lot of Gen Alphas really ordering on Doordash these days???
At least it wasn't Anallysiah. How anal would that be?
I just delivered to a house with dog poop in their yard. How would customers react if, along with their order, I also left them a business card for a dog poop removal service?
I just delivered Doordash to a house with dog poop in their yard. How would customers react if, along with their order, I also left them a business card for a dog poop removal service? What if YOU were that customer?
I just delivered to a house with dog poopin their yard. How would customers react if, along with their order, what if I also left them a business card for a dog poop removal service?
If someone made a President Zelensky meme that got posted to r/AdviceAnimals on a daily basis, what would those posts be like?