My standard issue Central American Boa, Krieg and Ball Python, Hera.
What is this symbol?
Why is the light in this lighthouse flickering?
The inward peace // Tribute to HR Giger // By me
My Dawn Drifter & Lettie by me
If you had a say in the next Ghibli movie, what would it be?
Witcher 4 wishlist
PlayStation does support Early Access!
Always stop around the same progress
My first Boa
What is your fantasy horror movie you want to see made, that isn't made yet?
Every time...
Finally Starting The Witcher 3! Any Tips?
Funny names for a Motherwrench Wolf Sledge?
Red tail boa
Trollololo is the best character in the game and no one can convince me otherwise
You guys can call me down bad I want her so bad lmao.
Witcher 4 Speculation/Wishlist
PSA: Troodons are scared of torches, regular lampposts and campfires (Maybe Megaraptor will share these weaknesses?)
Given that it's already confirmed that Ciri will be portrayed as a more agile and faster fighter than Geralt, how do you think her hand-to-hand combat will work?
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android.
Some things I still wish would be looked at on bugs
How would some of the weapons from your other fav games work if they got added to Helldivers 2?
Pulse rifle for reference but would love underbarrel attachments (AliensxHelldivers?)
Additional uses for samples and req slips