What’s an anime you didn’t expect to like but ended up loving?
Foligno: “jealous, frustrated we couldn’t add at the deadline”
Dogs are more loyal than humans
Favorite restricted?
Favorite purple haired character?
How would you nerf humans?
Favorite green haired character
Dude is a certified forklift driver
Being a nanny
Who is your favorite maid in all of anime?
Rate these baller edits
Crusher of all must turn off power to defeat
800 hours in just realized u can play more than high card
Favorite red haired character?
7 custom jokers I made (if I have the time I might make a mod with them (copium))
My attempt at a new legendary joker, note that I am not even close to an artist
Name me your favourite blonde character
Favorite fire user?
Here’s the all-Alola team I wanted to make, any tips?
The size was big (@senrihinZK)
ELI5 If VGC/Doubles is the official competitive format, why don't they put it in the games or anime more?
I’m Unfamiliar With Cribbage
What would you do with a personal bedroom fairy?
What are your favorite league quotes?
Princess the Slasher Retriever