Consistent nickname for a Pokemon?
Most Despised move
What’s a Pokemon you tried to make work but couldn’t
Thoughts on this episode?
I'm about to wipe to Brock, aren't I? [CartridgeLocke - Leg 1: LeafGreen]
Rate the Team Before Brock
Pokemon graveyard after my first ever nuzlocke (I failed)
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
IMO this is peak GBA
Bird only run
Should we move on from the current concept of level cap?
Reshell or not?
Platinum Victory Road is nuzlocke hell
Which starter you will use in any game and why here's my picks
Gen 1 tier list
Be honest, how many times have you watched Rick and Morty? What line makes you have goosebumps every single time?
What game has the most inconvenient level caps for a hardcore run?
Who is your underrated must-have team member?
This might be the run 🙌
Need strategic help, how should I approach this battle?
In celebration of Mario Day: How did you discover the franchise?
Worth anything nowadays my parents are moving and I forgot I had these all have the og games
Help with team
Do people count north and south parts of route 210 as different encounters or not?