If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died young, who would it be?
Updated PDS?
What does "Updated PDS(to be accomplished/signed on the actual date of assumption" mean?
Comelec binalaan mga kandidato: Huwag magsabit ng campaign poster sa puno
Hello! Meet Cash, a 3 year old Beagle!
Anong kwentong Star City nyo?
Hello! 1 bucket of chimken please
first chest from the new pass, deym
Anong phase out food menu item ang gusto nyo ibalik sa fastfood (mcdo/jollibee/kfc/chowking)
Cynthia Villar
Ilang maritime cadets, nag-ambagan para tulungan ang senior citizen na natapon ang panindang taho
Katapos ko lang po gisingin buong bahay
Vroom vroom
nanganak kahapon si maem, ngayon nagpapatulong mag alaga
it’s showtime hosts on the aftermath of the comelec question
Pwede kaya?
Half American-Half Pinoy
Riot Points - Spaylater
Tambo-tambo🥰 anong tawag nito sa inyo?
New account here, upvote for whatever this thing is
Running shoe guide from Athletico FB
Up Up and away
Up4Up 🤗 just comment and I will upvote it! TIA🌸
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