Do not let the community nerf the Predator Strain
The D10 experience
The primary weapon dream for Tankdivers
If we can't swap our armor passives, at least buff the worst armor in the game
Please ArrowHead, we are desperate for a skill cannon primary
It's time to give the Liberator Carbine a bayonet
Unpopular opinion: hellpods should kill everything below them.
I don't think we're getting a tank anytime soon lads...
Don't mind me, just filling my daily Squid hate quota.
Would Super Earth be stupid enough to try this?
We are tired of bad warbond armor passives, it is time to give armors 2 passives again
With Respawn showing interest in a Titanfall collab, I put together a warbond concept. Let me know what y’all think
How the 2nd galactic war is going
It’s about time the bots used their giant spaceships to try and stop us
It’s about time Super Earth invested into laser sniper rifle technology
The Ultimatum kind of ruins the coolness of the Portable Helllbomb
Now that we have a nuclear bomb secondary, it’s about time we got a heavy pen sniper primary
Double sickle isn't light pen and the ultimatum is broken
Please share your feedback about Helldivers 2 in this survey!
Exosuit players seeing “stratagems can now be thrown out of the FRV”
Side Objective Concept: Plant the Flag
Helldivers mission success rate is unacceptably high: deploy the Expendable Airburst Rockets
Accelerator buffs would be nice, but what we need is a real sniper rifle
If we want to encourage more teamwork, we really need more teamwork tools
I miss struggling in this game 'against impossible odds'