Have not been on a plane in 23 years.
A bit of positivity
It's always crazy when I think about how different my life would be if I just looked like a regular girl
Why are there no decent apps to make friends?
v134 Stable - 5 Updates in a 10 Days. Seems like a lot.
Cursed to never travel. Stuck in NYC.
What is the point of station booth agents anymore?
Has your ugliness made you a weirdo and oddball to point you are a loner?
How's the quality of Disney+?
This just isn’t true
I wish I was never born
Are most friends true friends of fake friends?
Churches seem to be the only place we get “accepted” in
i dont feel like a human being
alone in college
How do I cope with the constant stares?
Tell me why you stick to YT despite AM sounding better !
Look matter more than personaitlly I am tired of being bullied and see other get bullied on line because of there look. Attractive people never get bullied it always us 😢
Meetup RSVP don't match who show up.
acceptance is the key for a happy life
My grammar is bad. Poor reading comprehension.
Is anyone alse more scared to befriend their own gender?
F train, what is your problem?!
Are there nasty, rude people in your church?