Signed hand of chaos
Dragons of Eternity
For those that grew up on shows like Buffy, Charmed, Supernatural and vampire diaries do they still hold up?
There is a Robocop: Rogue City deep sale right now on
In your opinion which fantasy authors have improved the most?
What movie has the best opening scene of all time?
Actors Who Were Everywhere… Until They Weren’t
Dragonlance sale at HumbleBundle
What is a tv show you think everyone forgot about ?
Finished watching Rogue One again and this moment still gets me. What are your thoughts about this scene?
Governor Polis raising the Canadian Flag at the State Capitol for the new Colorado Canada Friendship Day
Anybody's parents let them pick out movies to watch they thought were "family friendly" but turned out to not be?
Most fucked up, mentally screwed up book recs?
Who's a fan of Lord Soth? 🔥👿🔥
Look at him, paralyzed by disbelief. What were Dooku's final thoughts after hearing "Kill him now," uttered by his master?
MBotF has helped me get over ASoIaF
Barrow Dyad is awesome with Path of Ambition. What’s the best way to build around it as a Hunter?
Does Court of Blades give reputation for Path of Ambition?
What is the worst movie by your favorite actor?
When most celebrities die, so many nice things are said about them. But who’s a celebrity that died that no one really said great things about afterwards?
New Barrow-Dyad DPS Strat is Better than Le Monarque + Storm's Keep
The right hand is mercy (Excerpt from The Immortal Hulk #13 & #50)
Who is the most tragic villain in books you have read?
Do I just need to grow up? Can there be "too much" fun with kids, esp in public?
Is The Expanse book series worth finishing?