You know you've smoked enough for a bit when you can't even form saliva to close the next joint
Which boss do you genuinely hate?
Just saying
Siblings I could understand, I'm open to any kind of families... But twins? I don't buy it !
How cool would it be to be a ghost
Tell me a game where your choices don’t matter.
Everybody tells me to stop listening to metal music
I play worse whenever I use the Rune Arc. Anyone else?
I know that bomb is going to do a ton of damage...
I love and hate this game at the same time.
got this new pipe and it made me feel like a hobbit until my fiancé said it looked like a crack pipe :(
I call this one the exploding athletes foot.
Malenia - Prelate's Charge ash of war only (with bloodflame blade + infinite stamina tear)
After all these years, it amazes me how much we players have yet to discover
What's your least favorite boss, the one you hate fighting the most. Dlc/base game
Hes just making fun of me at this point..
How do y'all smoke and game ?
Found my first portal, took straight me to the galaxy core
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
What is this?
It could've been perfect..
Hell yeah 🤿
Show me your best girl character you managed to create.
What’s your favorite ost in the game? This includes bosses, random enemies etc. Base game and DLC
Decided to call this Challenge " Tiny Planet " for obvious reasons