Eastern Orthodoxy is more similar to judaism and islam when it comes to understanding God than western christianity
Eastern Orthodoxy is closer to islam/judaism than Western Christianity
Filioque is stupid
Filioque is true, here are the reasons why:
Average day in Belgrade
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this one is a little bit 2eurasia4you
Are Anglo-Orthodox Episcopalians A Thing?
Europeans vs Americans
Pure-blooded Albanian Roma
Suveranist VS Suveranist (e un clip de pe tiktok)
Average store in Robmania
Hitler on sled
Să nu uităm: Ponta este ucigașul procurorului Panait
Which Balkan County is this?
Apostate Prophet converted to Christianity
Ce părere aveți despre capitalism?
Honestly who cares
Both options look like a beach towel anyway
Moldovan Grindset
Very Robmanian Activity
Mai avem de munca pana ii ajungem pe pakistanezi
Ditemi che Paese è senza dirmi che Paese è.
Ce vremuri am ajuns, asta se intampla cand petreci prea mult timp pe tik tok si nu stiu ce grupuri