For christmas my dad got me a graphite chunk and a letter - the box was filled with real documents crumpled up
My final for my props class
Camera Extraction Permanently Stuck
1969 Ford Bronco
Is it possible to play Chuxie on Mac?
Minecraft Football Stadium / Shopping Centre Before and after
New Steam Locomotive Engine Design
I made a website for custom music discs (1.21)
What is this bug?
Post a photo of your cat cuddling with you, I’ll go first.
Petah! Help!
i am making a bot.(I've started making it). i made 4 icons but confused which to use. what do you think which one would look good
Praise Spez
Man I sure hate SpongeBob, I said while laying in bed
Strange Structure
Will grounded ever be added to Geforce Now?
Site down?
He's watching.
Can someone help?
Cool Seed
What ore is this?
Made a little katana, any thoughts?
This is just a oversimplified version of the original logo.. what do you think about it?
Sad life ;-;