***NOT A POLITICAL POST*** How does someone this rich wear a suit that fits so poorly? That top button is fighting for its life!
working hard is incredibly satisfying
There's a really good old BBC series about the Troubles on youtube, if you wanna get into the Fenian spirit going into st patties day
Social media is gross
is the "Gen z boss in a mini" place hiring
the shock and horror of this is making me want to delete socials and live in a cave
There's no hope for women or whatever Fiona Apple said
who is tate mcrae
Found my new favorite crazy person at work today: 1976 write-in presidential candidate, General Magnifico
This warmed my heart. I’d like to believe that too.
Will Anthony Edwards become the greatest Minnesota Timberwolve of all time
How do you address "the third" in your relationship?
break up advice
Is it over for him?
how are you gonna celebrate your s/o this valentines
Does anyone else see it? Why did they do this to her? I can’t stop thinking about it.
I got so drunk at my bf’s grandmas birthday that I blacked out and threw up
boyfriend left me 2 days after saying he was going to marry me
If a girl brings you over and this is her bedroom window what do you do?
The stuff in my purse
how you guys sound sometimes
grandmothers are the solution to inceldom
Trump just pardoned the founder of the Silk Road
i hate this bitch
Have you found famous people to be more or less good looking than you expected in person