Video gamer dad here. My wife thinks video games kill brain cells and is taking a stand on not allowing our son to play video games. 99% of the time, we are in agreement with things. But sometimes a dad must put his foot down.
Tell me why a 2025 civic si is better than a 2025 mazda 3 turbo?
Does anyone else go out of their way to park next to other fellow Si’s
My oldest feels inferior
My 1yo was hurt under my watch and now I can't shake the guilt.
What do you guys think. He’s asking 10k flat
Maintenance shit
First Car
Asking for help....What is the Market Demand for an old BMW Z4, in the Pacific North West?
We have the same gun how is this Possible 😭
Lots of NPC's in Plunder....Why???
Average person who comments on reddit/youtube and who has never been in UAE
And nothing of much value was lost…..