She is not crate training this dog by letting him stay in that stupid play pen what the fuck does she not get.
Is she really that dense that she needs to put “make bed” on her dumb to-do list.
what on earth is she wearing
Todays YT vlog
I’d like to order one kettlebell to the face pls
Wait…no baby shower!! Her influencer “besties” couldn’t throw her one ?just realized when she said it in one of her tik toks.
Jax Barking
Whyyyy do they not let him have his toys ☹️
Could have atleast taken the boxes out of the fireplace lmao
This looks like a casket
Notice how the pillow makes it look like someone else is sleeping in the bed next to her
this pmo. everything she’s does feels so fake and forced for content always
Write offs curiosity
This trip is just giving too much good to snark on.. i'm
No way!
Jay’s IG
Dinner together
They must be scrolling Reddit on vaca or the trolls are REALLY in their DMs lol
I’m sorry but who is this & what happened?
she can’t be fucking serious right now. All SHE does is whine and bitch about a PUPPY she bought 🙄
OMG red 😳
0 originality or personal identity
Pics from home
I can't even begin how disgusted I am by what the social media fitness industry has turned into it's appalling. @juliamumper_ WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM??? GYMS ARE NOT A PLACE FOR YOU TO STRIP. Go to a FCKING strip club for goodness sakes