Is getting a job with just a BS fresh out of university even possible right now?
Scared my degree is gonna become useless.
NIH capping indirect costs at 15%
Left vs. Right Battle Royale Open Thread
What are these dust-like swirls on my mead?
Can I use fresh squeezed orange juice for an orange mead?
Conicals, unitanks, kegging, and other "high tech" gear tutorials...
Barbary Lionness - Recipe
Happy thanksgiving to all of you!
Blueberry Mead
Are glass carboys prone to breaking?
Looking to get some 2 gallon buckets for primary.
What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
Looking to make a capsicumel.
Begineer looking to make a bochet.
How much Fermaid O do you typically use?
Confused on amount of yeast and goferm to add to 1 gallon batches?
Carolina Reaper Capsicumel
Cherry mead has a slow ferment, let it run its course or try and stabilize?
Msi Z790 Motherboard RGB not working.
Cyser Spice Mix
Swapped my motherboard ram and cpu and now games are crashing.