I'll guess your penis size based on your favorite kanye song
Song titles that are way too long
FOR TRADE: 15/16 boyband
trading bttp
Most recent tyler song you listened to. Or else tyler dies.
Songs containing all the letters in "Spotify"
name your top 3 brockhampton songs
Does anyone truly agree with this dude?
i'm a time traveler and i came here to tell yall thay carti not dropping friday
Jonny Kim, aged 36, has achieved becoming a Navy Seal, a trained Harvard doctor, and is now selected to become the first Korean to go to space
What’s is Kanye’s most majestic song?
All American ______
Songs that were debuted Live before its official release
Songs that feature walking on water
Songs titled “____ life”
GoodAssSub when you post a generic Caucasian woman on a Wednesday
What's your favorite Kanye song? Ever?
how do we feel about peggy trying k-pop?
looking for 11+/16 interdimensionals, dm if you have one
Not Like Us (Federal Employee Version)
Why is my Morty green
give me ANY word and i’ll relate it to Kanye
New to the game
Covers that are just people staring at the camera