Shonskar in progress
BNP vows to undo reforms
Longi solar manufacturer to open office in Bangladesh soon
Madrasa Teacher detained for Raping two boys
Ghibli-like train scene in Bangladesh
আনন্দ করার মেজাজে নাই, স্বাধীনতা দিবসে কুচকাওয়াজ হচ্ছে না: স্বরাষ্ট্রসচিব | Home Secretary | Rtv
Yunus says "Rape is Rape" not "Nari Nirjaton"
AI is Dazzal now
What does this version of my name mean?
Can't Sleep
Volunteers ensure a Muslim man's safe passage during Holi celebrations
Anyone notice scary shit popping up on timeline past midnight?
These guys are going restsurant to restaurant to push people for not fasting. (In bangladesh)
Bangladesh right now
বকশিশ না পেয়ে অক্সিজেন সরবরাহ বন্ধ, নবজাতকের মৃত্যু!
BNP Launches Legal and Health Support Cell for Women and Children Affected by Violence
Tulip Siddiq ‘used fake signature to transfer flat to sister’
হোলি উৎসবে জোর করে রঙ মাখানোর মামলায় ৩ তরুণ কারাগারে
গণঅভ্যুত্থানে একটি উগ্র শক্তির সমাবেশ ঘটেছে: রুহিন হোসেন প্রিন্স | CPB | Prince | Jamuna TV
Hasina's cousin changed name and father's name to get Indian national ID card. His new father is "Mudindranath"
Absolutely f*cking hate Sarjis and Hasnat
Hasina gave green to Indian intelligence’s proposal of monitoring telephone calls through Bangladesh…guess who blocked it..!
Dr. Yunus speaks to the Rohingyas in their language/dialect
Why Samantha Sharmin cannot answer a simple binary question? Disappointed.
Do Indians actually have the upper hand to teach us about minority rights?