What’s something no one warned you about when you get pregnant? Not even the Reddit threads prepared me for some of this…
Children’s faces on social media
The Democrat Party's favorability just reached an all-time low of 29%. Independents, what do you think should change?
Stepmother just invited herself and her mom to our new house 2 weeks before I'm due
Bye Bye public education.....here come the vouchers for every state!
Newish neighbors, lots of red flags. Should I call?
I need to get the fuck out of Texas
conservatives are insane
[Landlord-US-NC] We are fucked. Please help.
I went and told the world and now i’m not pregnant anymore
What is wrong with new age of grandparents?
Are there compelling arguments to not having a fatalistic outlook on what will be the effects of Trump presidency?
Community political meetup
Why are people so anti-registry?
and she's back
Will a boy named Valentine get bullied?
Naming a fourth? Weird to use middle name of another child as a first name?
Welcome to the world
Grateful Dead inspired nursery
Does anyone get scared?
when did you stop discussing NSFW topics in front of your child/children?
Janelle Gets Her House First
What made you decide to homeschool?
Grateful Dead inspired baby nursery
Looming Recession