Almost made me quit
Just need suggestions
There is A LOT of Systems 🤣🤣
If I beat the Chapter 4 final boss can I not collect the Purple Talismans?
I need help
Should I do NG++?
Chapter 4 is by far the weirdest chapter boss wise.
Chapter 3 secret ending doubt
Please help me beat great sage
How strong is him?
First time player and I am beyond frustrated.
Quick question before NG+
Best visually stunning boss fight
The Two-headed rat transformation miniboss doesn't has a english translation.
I accidentally discovered a cheese
In Germany we say : Arschbohrer 😄
Could this be dog?
Stuck at black bear boss in chapter 1
So i Just realize how strong Ring of Fire is
Is it possible to kill Erlang with spell binder in NG?
Are there any characters powerful enough to defeat Wukong?
what do these two circles mean? im in chapter 4 but never noticed them until now
Cant decide after playing wukong!!!!
I finally beat him!
How do I find the map